Pit bulls are notoriously instinctive. Had this been a German Shepherd for instance attacking a porcupine he would have backed off after the first quill. But pit bulls do not work that way. Their instincts override their intelligence. Once in a rage they may continue to attack regardless of consequences. That's great if they are attacking the man that is breaking in but otherwise pit bulls can be a problem. This pit bull was put to sleep from getting blind and the infections from the quills. The term "pit bull" is used to describe several breeds of dogs with similar physical characteristics, the American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier. The pit bull is a medium-sized dog. They have a short coat which accentuates their muscular bodies looking like a doggy bodybuilder. Their skin can be extremely sensitive due to them shedding.The myth that pit bulls have a "locking jaw" mechanism and that the dog cannot let go once it has bitten is not true. For the most part, pit bulls have strong jaws for their size. A few studies have been conducted to this "locking jaw" mechanism. The result of the study was that their jaw structure and function is no different from that of any breed of dog.
Another myth is that "pit bulls don't feel pain". Pit bulls have the same nervous system of any other breed. "Gameness" is the trait defined as the desire to continue on and/or complete a task despite pain and discomfort. Pit bulls were breed to finish the task they were required to perform, tolerating or ignoring discomfort and pain. Therefore, the difficulty in deterring a pit bull from its task is not an inability to feel pain but rather a desirable trait in the trained working dog.

Isso n e um Pit Bull e sim um Bull Terrier.
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